约旦安曼省安曼开发商Eqbal Quran
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Eqbal Quran

Verified Expert  in Engineering

CTO Developer

Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Toptal Member Since
June 13, 2014

Eqbal is a senior full-stack developer with more than a decade of experience working in web and mobile development. He is a masterful problem solver and boasts an extensive portfolio of finished professional products.


Agile Software Development, Management, Team Leadership, Team Management...
CircleCI, Heroku, Memcached, Redis, MySQL, Trailblazer, JavaScript, RSpec...
RSpec, React, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Technical Leadership...




Preferred Environment

Crystal, Python, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

The most amazing...

...thing I've done is use deep learning to code a real self-driving car to drive itself on a test track using ROS and Autoware.

Work Experience

Chief Technology Officer

2019 - PRESENT
  • 带头开发和扩展技术基础设施, 成功适应公司的快速发展和不断变化的需求.
  • Transformed an initial tech team of 80+ developers into a multidisciplinary, agile unit, 确保项目的无缝协作和高效交付.
  • 定义并执行技术策略和基础架构, overseeing various domains, including infrastructure, development, and UI/UX.
  • 与企业目标一致的技术解决方案, 确保量身定制,以推动业务增长.
  • 承担了主要存储库的主要代码库重构, 改进代码质量和可维护性.
  • Streamlined workflow planning, priority assessment, and task allocation, 将正确的专业知识与项目相匹配.
  • 掌握有效沟通的艺术, articulating proposed solutions across the business while comprehending project scope fundamentals.
  • Proactively identified and resolved technical challenges and bottlenecks, 确保项目顺利执行.
  • 通过实施策略投资于团队发展, training, and growth plans aligned with project objectives and fostering consistent achievement.
  • 优化平台,提高性能和可靠性, 能够无缝支持增加的流量, marketing initiatives, and shifting corporate goals.
技术:敏捷软件开发, Management, Team Leadership, Team Management, Strategic Planning & 执行,数字化转型,精益创业,技术领导

Team Lead/Senior Ruby Engineer

2018 - 2020
  • Maintained an extensive online marketing application with over 50,000 subscribing customers.
  • Moved from using Rails controllers to building a more scalable/isolated RESTful API using Grape and Sidekiq. 虽然这使应用程序更具可伸缩性, we spent time on reliability by adding many integration/unit tests for the new API.
  • 使用最佳实践来创建干净、文档完备的代码.
  • Refactored the codebase, 使用许多PORO/抽象来扩展API, 并从依赖MVC转向了微服务.
  • 审查代码,管理问题,并确保高质量的代码.
  • Implemented new features, participated in business decisions like prioritizing tasks and estimates for new features, 并改进了整个开发过程.
Technologies: CircleCI, Heroku, Memcached, Redis, MySQL, Trailblazer, JavaScript, RSpec, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Technical Leadership, Architecture

Technical Team Lead (MENA)

2016 - 2018
  • Managed a team of developers, monitored performance, 确保项目目标/可交付成果的一致实现.
  • Planned the workflow, assessed priorities, allocated timescales, 并根据所需的专业知识水平分配工作.
  • 使用Ruby和Rails开发面向用户的特性.
  • Reviewed code, managed issues, and ensured the provision of high code quality.
  • Managed update/code development project phases and ensured that documentation maximized usability, scalability, performance, and quality.
Technologies: RSpec, React, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Technical Leadership, Architecture

全栈Ruby on Rails工程师

2014 - 2015
  • 为站点添加了新功能.
  • Moved from jQuery to use Backbone.js for the front end.
  • Created tests for the project.
  • Enhanced the performance of the site by creating a separate API to communicate with the front end using JSON.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, PostgreSQL, Backbone.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Elasticsearch, Ruby, Technical Leadership, Architecture

Senior Ruby/Rails Developer

2014 - 2014
Dubber, Pty., Ltd. (via Toptal)
  • 使用Ruby on Rails添加了新功能.
  • 使用RSpec和Capybara创建测试.
  • 使用HTML/CSS/CoffeeScript创建UI组件.
  • 使用WebRTC为电话系统创建了新的功能.
Technologies: WebRTC, CoffeeScript, CSS, HTML, Capybara, RSpec, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Architecture

Ruby Developer

2014 - 2014
Clearlogin, Inc. (via Toptal)
  • Created a scalable/fast log management system using a separate MongoDB and migrating the old data from MySQL.
技术:MongoDB, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby,架构


2009 - 2014
  • Managed a small team to deliver a native mobile application and SMS-based solution. Handed the development, deployment, design, and architecture of the software for mobile operators and integrated the solution with the back-end and billing system of the mobile operator.
  • 创建了一个基于短信的聊天应用程序与Facebook聊天, MSN, GTalk, 以及使用简单短信的雅虎账户. Used the C++ and Qt framework to develop the application for performance issues and used Amazon cloud servers to scale. 为Nedjma移动运营商http://www开发了这个应用程序.wataniya-algerie.com/extranet/web/serviceparticulier/nedjma-net.
  • Created a native iPhone and Blackberry chat application for Nedjma and integrated it with Nedjma’s billing system. 允许用户按月付费, talk, 还可以无限制地向朋友发送照片和语音信息. http://www.wataniya-algerie.com/extranet/web/serviceparticulier/nedjma-net.
  • 使用Objective-C为斋月创建了一个iPhone应用程序. 后端使用Ruby和EC2服务器(http://itunes).apple.com/lb/app/live-ramadan/id385779970?mt=8).
  • 为Nedjma构建了一个WAP门户,使用旧设备的WML WAP 2.智能手机的XHTMLMP (http://wap).nedjma.dz).
Technologies: XHTML, 无线应用协议(WAP), WML, Objective-C, Qt, C++, Technical Leadership, Architecture


2008 - 2009
  • Managed a small team of four Rails developers, one web designer, and one graphic designer. Used Scrum as a project management methodology and Basecamp to manage and track projects.
  • 开发、部署和维护www.tahawor.com site.
  • 开发、部署和维护www.naharna.com site based on Web 3.0 and semantic (RDF) technology.
  • 开发、部署和维护http://elections.naharnet.com site.
  • 应用TDD/BDD方法进行软件开发.
技术:Basecamp, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Software Engineer

2007 - 2008
  • 负责公司网站(www)的开发.ikbis.com, www.watwet.com, and www.itoot.net) and added new features for them using the Rails framework as a primary web development framework language. Was also responsible for managing all the information technology needs of TootCorp network, 包括站点管理和其他安全问题.
  • Created a Facebook application for the WatWet site using the rFacebook library (http://apps.facebook.com/watwets/).
  • Modified both www.ikbis.com and www.watwet.com sites to Web 2.0 technology and Ajax.
  • Developed several Ruby on Rails applications for internal and external uses.
  • Developed a set of standards‐compliant SEO-friendly templates and widgets for our site. 开发了几个内部使用的插件. 使用EC2云服务器管理和管理站点.
技术:Amazon EC2、Facebook、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Ajax

Web Developer

2005 - 2007
  • 在Jeeran做网页开发, the biggest Arab social network and blogging site with more than 1 million active members. Used Microsoft technology (.. NET, c#, microsoft SQL server等.). Implemented numerous changes regarding the look and feel of the site (GUI) and tried to make it based on Web 2.0 technologies. 制作了第一个阿拉伯语的Facebook应用程序.
  • Created the first Arabic Facebook application for the Jeeran site (JeeranBlogger) using.. NET框架、FBML、FBJS等技术. Allowed users to quickly and easily integrate existing blogs into their Facebook profiles, getting more exposure for their blogs and sharing content with friends (http://apps.facebook.com/jeeranblogappdemo/).
Technologies: Graphical User Interface (GUI), C#, Microsoft SQL Server, .NET

Jeeran iPhone App

创建了Jeeran iPhone应用程序的第一个版本.

Ikbis Website

我是创建该网站第一个版本的团队的一员, 使用Ruby on Rails和AWS进行部署.

Jeeran Website


Nedjma WAP Portal

I was part of the team that created the WEB/WAP portal for the Algerian client Nedjma.

Birdy Nam Nam iOS Game

I was part of the team that created the first version of the iPhone game.

Personal Site

我的个人网站,创建使用Bootstrap 3.0 with HTML5 and CSS3.

Clearlogin Log Management System

Created a scalable/fast log management system using a separate MongoDB and migrating the old data from MySQL.

Dubber, Pty., Ltd. (via Toptal)

Joined the Dubber team to create new functionalities for the telephony system using WebRTC.

Perchwell -房地产智能引擎

A technology company creating innovative products for real estate professionals and consumers that improves the home search, discovery, and decision-making process.


Crystal, Ruby, Python, SQL, CoffeeScript, Sass, JavaScript, CSS, Haml, Bash Script, HTML5, C++, WML, XHTML, C#, HTML, Java, PHP, Objective-C, Erlang


Angular, Ruby on Rails (RoR),赛璐珞,Core Telephony, Ember.js, Bootstrap, Adhearsion, OpenSIPs, Sinatra, RubyMotion, GrapesJS, Qt, .. NET, Capybara, Cocoa, Hadoop, UIKit


Node.js, Rack, Backbone.js, WebRTC, jQuery, ØMQ, EventMachine, jQuery Mobile, React, Facebook API, Pandas


Bitbucket, Git, Terminal, Sublime Text, GitHub, RabbitMQ, Pivotal Tracker, Jira, TextMate, Vim Text Editor, Basecamp, RSpec, Ansible, CircleCI, GitLab


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, Actor Programming, Concurrent Programming, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Model View Controller (MVC), Functional Programming, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Extreme Programming, Test-driven Development (TDD), Object-oriented Design (OOD), Distributed Programming, Scrum, Management


Amazon Web Services (AWS), MacOS, Amazon EC2, Director, Ubuntu, iOS, Linux, Heroku, Blockchain, Oracle, Meteor


Redis, NoSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Memcached, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Elasticsearch, Neo4j, PostgreSQL


数据分析、团队领导、写作 & Editing, CTO, Blockchain Development, Technical Leadership, Architecture, DApps, Customized Blockchains, Ember CLI, 无线应用协议(WAP), Ajax, Facebook, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Trailblazer, Team Management, Strategic Planning & Execution, Digital Transformation, Lean Startups, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Statistics, Reinforcement Learning, Self-driving Cars, Robotics, Deep Learning, Supervised Learning, Web Development, Applets, Networking, Securities

2001 - 2006


Yarmouk University - Jordan








Machine Learning Nanodegree



Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)





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